Scientific publications

Articles published in peer-reviewed journals:

Publication in peer-reviewed journals:


  1. Bigeard, G., Coudert, B., Chirouze, J., Er-Raki, S., Boulet, G., Ceschia, E. & Jarlan, L. (2019) Ability of a SVAT and a two-source energy balance model to predict evapotranspiration for several crops and climate conditions, Hydrology and Earth System Science, accepted.
  2. Marais Sicre, C., Fieuzal, R., & Baup, F. (2020). Contribution of multispectral (optical and radar) satellite images to the classification of agricultural surfaces. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation84, 101972.


  1. Bigeard, G., Coudert, B., Chirouze, J., Er-Raki, S., Boulet, G., Ceschia, E. & Jarlan, L. (2019) Ability of a SVAT and a two-source energy balance model to predict evapotranspiration for several crops and climate conditions, Hydrology and Earth System Science, accepted.
  2. Baetens, L., Desjardins, C., & Hagolle, O. (2019). Validation of Copernicus Sentinel-2 Cloud Masks Obtained from MAJA, Sen2Cor, and FMask Processors Using Reference Cloud Masks Generated with a Supervised Active Learning Procedure. Remote Sensing11(4), 433.
  3. Baup, F., Ameline, M., Fieuzal, R., Frappart, F., Corgne, S., & Berthoumieu, J.-F. (2019). Temporal Evolution of Corn Mass Production Based on Agro-Meteorological Modelling Controlled by Satellite Optical and SAR Images. Remote Sensing11(17).
  4. Demarez, V., Helen, F., Marais-Sicre, C., & Baup, F. (2019). In-Season Mapping of Irrigated Crops Using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1 Time Series. Remote Sensing11(2), 118.
  5. Gascoin, S., Grizonnet, M., Bouchet, M., Salgues, G., & Hagolle, O. (2019). Theia Snow collection: high-resolution operational snow cover maps from Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 data. Earth System Science Data11(2), 493–514.
  6. Stella, P., Loubet, B., de Berranger, C., Charrier, X., Ceschia, E., Gerosa, G., … Ciuraru, R. (2019). Soil ozone deposition: Dependence of soil resistance to soil texture. Atmospheric Environment199, 202–209.
  7. Tallec, T., Brut, A., Joly, L., Dumelie, N., Serca, D., Mordelet, P., … Le Dantec, V. (2019). N2O flux measurements over an irrigated maize crop: A comparison of three methods. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology264, 56–72.


  1. Ameline, M., Fieuzal, R., Betbeder, J., Berthoumieu, J.-F., & Baup, F. (2018). Estimation of Corn Yield by Assimilating SAR and Optical Time Series Into a Simplified Agro-Meteorological Model: From Diagnostic to Forecast. Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing11(12), 4747–4760.
  2. Boulet, G., Delogu, E., Saadi, S., Chebbi, W., Olioso, A., Mougenot, B., … Lagouarde, J.-P. (2018). Evapotranspiration and evaporation/transpiration partitioning with dual source energy balance models in agricultural lands. In M. P. GonzalezDugo, C. Neale, A. Andreu, R. Pimentel, & M. J. Polo (Eds.), Earth Observation for Integrated Water and Basin Management: New Possibilities and Challenges for Adaptation to a Changing Environment, Vol 380 (Vol. 380, pp. 17–22).
  3. Carrer, D., Pique, G., Ferlicoq, M., Ceamanos, X., & Ceschia, E. (2018). What is the potential of cropland albedo management in the fight against global warming? A case study based on the use of cover crops. Environmental Research Letters13(4), 044030.
  4. Dedieu, G., Hagolle, O., Karnieli, A., Ferrier, P., Crebassol, P., Gamet, P., … Hayun, E. (2018). VENµS: PERFORMANCES AND FIRST RESULTS AFTER 11 MONTHS IN ORBIT. In Igarss 2018 – 2018 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 7753–7756).
  5. Delogu, E., Boulet, G., Olioso, A., Garrigues, S., Brut, A., Tallec, T., … Lagouarde, J.-P. (2018). Evaluation of the SPARSE Dual-Source Model for Predicting Water Stress and Evapotranspiration from Thermal Infrared Data over Multiple Crops and Climates. Remote Sensing10(11), 1806.
  6. Franz, D., Acosta, M., Altimir, N., Arriga, N., Arrouays, D., Aubinet, M., … Vesala, T. (2018). Towards long-term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe’s terrestrial ecosystems: a review. International Agrophysics32(4), 439-+.
  7. Gaillardet, J., Braud, I., Hankard, F., Anquetin, S., Bour, O., Dorfliger, N., … Zitouna, R. (2018). OZCAR: The French Network of Critical Zone Observatories. Vadose Zone Journal17(1), 180067.
  8. Gascoin, S., & René, P. (2018). Évolution recente des glaciers du Vignemale (2013-2017). Pirineos173(0), 037.
  9. Gielen, B., Acosta, M., Altimir, N., Buchmann, N., Cescatte, A., Ceschia, E., … Wohljahrt, G. (2018). Ancillary vegetation measurements at ICOS ecosystem stations. International Agrophysics32(4), 645–664.
  10. Roujean, J.-L., Olioso, A., Ceschia, E., Hagolle, O., & Weiss, M. (2018). A Surface Albedo Product at High Spatial Resolution from a Combination. In Igarss 2018 – 2018 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 8169–8172).
  11. Satalino, G., Mattia, F., Balenzano, A., Lovergine, F. P., Rinaldi, M., De Santis, A. P., … Moreno, J. F. (2018). Sentinel-1 & Sentinel-2 Data for Soil Tillage Change Detection. In Igarss 2018 – 2018 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 6627–6630).
  12. Saunders, M., Dengel, S., Kolari, P., Moureaux, C., Montagnani, L., Ceschia, E., … Jones, M. (2018). Importance of reporting ancillary site characteristics, and management and disturbance information at ICOS stations. International Agrophysics32(4), 457–469.
  13. Tallec, T., Marais-Sicre, C., & Fieuzal, R. (2018). Towards an Improved Inventory of N2o Emissions Using Land Cover Maps Derived from Optical Remote Sensing Images. In Igarss 2018 – 2018 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 3007–3010).
  14. Tribouillois, H., Constantin, J., Willaume, M., Brut, A., Ceschia, E., Tallec, T., … Therond, O. (2018). Predicting water water balance of wheat and crop rotations with a simple model: AqYield. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology262, 412–422.
  15. Zribi, M., Motte, E., Baghdadi, N., Baup, F., Dayau, S., Fanise, P., … Wigneron, J. P. (2018). Potential Applications of GNSS-R Observations over Agricultural Areas: Results from the GLORI Airborne Campaign. Remote Sensing10(8), 1245.
  16. Masson, T., Dumont, M., Dalla Mura, M., Sirguey, P., Gascoin, S., Dedieu, J.-P., & Chanussot, J. (2018). An Assessment of Existing Methodologies to Retrieve Snow Cover Fraction from MODIS Data. Remote Sensing10(4), 619.


  1. Etchanchu, J., Rivalland, V., Gascoin, S., Cros, J., Tallec, T., Brut, A., & Boulet, G. (2017). Effects of high spatial and temporal resolution Earth observations on simulated hydrometeorological variables in a cropland (southwestern France). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences21(11), 5693–5708.
  2. Fieuzal, R., Marais-Sicre, C., & Baup, F. (2017). Estimation of Sunflower Yield Using a Simplified Agrometeorological Model Controlled by Optical and SAR Satellite Data. Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing10(12), 5412–5422.
  3. Rouquie, B., Hagolle, O., Breon, F.-M., Boucher, O., Desjardins, C., & Remy, S. (2017). Using Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Products to Constrain the Aerosol Type in the Atmospheric Correction Processor MAJA. Remote Sensing9(12), 1230.
  4. Zhang, S., Roussel, N., Boniface, K., Ha, M. C., Frappart, F., Darrozes, J., … Calvet, J.-C. (2017). Use of reflected GNSS SNR data to retrieve either soil moisture or vegetation height from a wheat crop. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences21(9), 4767–4784.
  5. Battude, M., Al Bitar, A., Brut, A., Tallec, T., Huc, M., Cros, J., … Demarez, V. (2017). Modeling water needs and total irrigation depths of maize crop in the south west of France using high spatial and temporal resolution satellite imagery. Agricultural Water Management189, 123–136.
  6. Bedos, C., Alletto, L., Durand, B., Fanucci, O., Brut, A., Bourdat-Deschamps, M., … Benoit, P. (2017). Observed volatilization fluxes of S-metolachlor and benoxacor applied on soil with and without crop residues. Environmental Science and Pollution Research24(4), 3985–3996.
  7. Delogu, E., Le Dantec, V., Mordelet, P., Ceschia, E., Aubinet, M., Buysse, P., & Pattey, E. (2017). Improved methodology to quantify the temperature sensitivity of the soil heterotrophic respiration in croplands. Geoderma296, 18–29.
  8. Fieuzal, R., & Baup, F. (2017). Forecast of wheat yield throughout the agricultural season using optical and radar satellite images. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation59, 147–156.
  9. Fieuzal, R., Marais-Sicre, C., & Baup, F. (2017). Estimation of corn yield using multi-temporal optical and radar satellite data and artificial neural networks. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation57, 14–23.
  10. Marais Sicre, C., Fieuzal, R., & Baup, F. (2017). Apport des images satellites multi-spectrales (optique et radar) pour la classification des surfaces en herbe. | Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, 215, 25–41. Retrieved from
  11. Motte, E., & Zribi, M. (2017). Optimizing Waveform Maximum Determination for Specular Point Tracking in Airborne GNSS-R. Sensors17(8), 1880.
  12. Motte, E., Zribi, M., Fanise, P., Baghdadi, N., Baup, F., Ben Hmida, S., … Wigneron, J. P. (2017). Results from the Glorie Gnss-R Airborne Campaign: Agricultural Areas. In 2017 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss) (pp. 4106–4109).
  13. Veloso, A., Mermoz, S., Bouvet, A., Toan, T. L., Planells, M., Dejoux, J.-F., & Ceschia, E. (2017). Understanding the temporal behavior of crops using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2-like data for agricultural applications. Remote Sensing of Environment199, 415–426.
  14. Zribi, M., Motte, E., Fanise, P., & Zouaoui, W. (2017). Low-Cost GPS Receivers for the Monitoring of Sunflower Cover Dynamics. Journal of Sensors, 6941739.
  15. Zribi, M., Motte, E., Fanise, P., Zouaoui, W., & Baghdadi, N. (2017). Estimation of Vegetation Dynamics Using Low-Cost Gps Receiver. In 2017 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss) (pp. 2899–2902).
  16. Ceschia, E., Mary, B., Ferlicoq, M., Pique, G., Carrer, D., Dejoux, J., & Dedieu, G. (2017). Potentiel d’atténuation des changements climatiques par les couverts intermédiaires. Innovations Agronomiques62, 43–58. : 10.15454/1.517402718167511E12


  1. Battude, M., Al Bitar, A., Morin, D., Cros, J., Huc, M., Marais-Sicre, C., … Demarez, V. (2016). Estimating maize biomass and yield over large areas using high spatial and temporal resolution Sentinel-2 like remote sensing data. Remote Sensing of Environment184, 668–681.
  2. Betbeder, J., Fieuzal, R., & Baup, F. (2016). Assimilation of LAI and Dry Biomass Data From Optical and SAR Images Into an Agro-Meteorological Model to Estimate Soybean Yield. Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing9(6), 2540–2553.
  3. Ferrant, S., Bustillo, V., Burel, E., Salmon-Monviola, J., Claverie, M., Jarosz, N., … Gascoin, S. (2016). Extracting Soil Water Holding Capacity Parameters of a Distributed Agro-Hydrological Model from High Resolution Optical Satellite Observations Series. Remote Sensing8(2), 154.
  4. Fieuzal, R., & Baup, F. (2016). Estimation of leaf area index and crop height of sunflowers using multi-temporal optical and SAR satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing37(12), 2780–2809.
  5. Merlin, O., Stefan, V. G., Amazirh, A., Chanzy, A., Ceschia, E., Er-Raki, S., … Khabba, S. (2016). Modeling soil evaporation efficiency in a range of soil and atmospheric conditions using a meta-analysis approach. Water Resources Research52(5), 3663–3684.
  6. Molina-Herrera, S., Haas, E., Klatt, S., Kraus, D., Augustin, J., Magliulo, V., … Kiese, R. (2016). A modeling study on mitigation of N2O emissions and NO3 leaching at different agricultural sites across Europe using LandscapeDNDC. Science of the Total Environment553, 128–140.
  7. Motte, E., Zribi, M., Fanise, P., Egido, A., Darrozes, J., Al-Yaari, A., … Wigneron, J.-P. (2016). GLORI: A GNSS-R Dual Polarization Airborne Instrument for Land Surface Monitoring. Sensors16(5).
  8. Sakai, T., Iizumi, T., Okada, M., Nishimori, M., Gruenwald, T., Prueger, J., … Ceschia, E. (2016). Varying applicability of four different satellite-derived soil moisture products to global gridded crop model evaluation. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation48, 51–60.
  9. Marais-Sicre, C., Inglada, J., Fieuzal, R., Baup, F., Valero, S., Cros, J., … Demarez, V. (2016). Early Detection of Summer Crops Using High Spatial Resolution Optical Image Time Series. Remote Sensing8(7), 591.
  10. Tardy, B., Rivalland, V., Huc, M., Hagolle, O., Marcq, S., & Boulet, G. (2016). A Software Tool for Atmospheric Correction and Surface Temperature Estimation of Landsat Infrared Thermal Data. Remote Sensing8(9), 696.
  11. Vuichard, N., Ciais, P., Viovy, N., Li, L., Ceschia, E., Wattenbach, M., … Wu, X. (2016). Simulating the net ecosystem CO2 exchange and its components over winter wheat cultivation sites across a large climate gradient in Europe using the ORCHIDEE-STICS generic model. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment226, 1–17.
  12. Wu, X., Vuichard, N., Ciais, P., Viovy, N., de Noblet-Ducoudre, N., Wang, X., … Ripoche, D. (2016). ORCHIDEE-CROP (v0), a new process-based agro-land surface model: model description and evaluation over Europe. Geoscientific Model Development9(2), 857–873.
  13. Lonjou, V., Desjardins, C., Hagolle, O., Petrucci, B., Tremas, T., Dejus, M., … Auer, S. (2016). MACCS-ATCOR joint algorithm (MAJA). In A. Comeron, E. I. Kassianov, K. Schafer, J. W. Jack, R. H. Picard, & K. Weber (Eds.), Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere Xxi (Vol. 10001, p. UNSP 1000107).


  1. Betbeder, J., Fieuzal, R., Philippets, Y., Ferro-Famil, L., & Baup, F. (2015). Estimation of crop parameters using multi-temporal optical and radar polarimetric satellite data. In C. M. U. Neale & A. Maltese (Eds.), Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology Xvii (Vol. 9637, p. 963702).
  2. Hagolle, O., Sylvander, S., Huc, M., Claverie, M., Clesse, D., Dechoz, C., … Poulain, V. (2015). SPOT-4 (Take 5): Simulation of Sentinel-2 Time Series on 45 Large Sites. Remote Sensing7(9), 12242–12264.
  3. Campioli, M., Vicca, S., Luyssaert, S., Bilcke, J., Ceschia, E., Chapin, F. S., … Janssens, I. A. (2015). Biomass production effciency controlled by management in temperate and boreal ecosystems. Nature Geoscience8(11), 843-+.
  4. Fieuzal, R., & Baup, F. (2015). Estimation of Sunflower Yield Using Multi-Spectral Satellite Data (optical or Radar) in a Simplified Agro-Meteorological Model. In 2015 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss) (pp. 4001–4004).
  5. Li, W., Weiss, M., Waldner, F., Defourny, P., Demarez, V., Morin, D., … Baret, F. (2015). A Generic Algorithm to Estimate LA!, FAPAR and FCOVER Variables from SPOT4 HRVIR and Landsat Sensors: Evaluation of the Consistency and Comparison with Ground Measurements. Remote Sensing7(11), 15494–15516.
  6. Szczypta, C., Gascoin, S., Houet, T., Hagolle, O., Dejoux, J.-F., Vigneau, C., & Fanise, P. (2015). Impact of climate and land cover changes on snow cover in a small Pyrenean catchment. Journal of Hydrology521, 84–99.
  7. Roussel, N., Frappart, F., Ramillien, G., Darrozes, J., Baup, F., & Ha, C. (2015). Detection of Soil Moisture Content Changes by Using a Single Geodetic Antenna: The Case of an Agricultural Plot. In 2015 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss) (pp. 2008–2011).
  8. Oltra-Carrio, R., Baup, F., Fabre, S., Fieuzal, R., & Briottet, X. (2015). Improvement of Soil Moisture Retrieval from Hyperspectral VNIR-SWIR Data Using Clay Content Information: From Laboratory to Field Experiments. Remote Sensing7(3), 3184–3205.
  9. Baghdadi, N., Zribi, M., Paloscia, S., Verhoest, N. E. C., Lievens, H., Baup, F., & Mattia, F. (2015a). Semi-Empirical Calibration of the Integral Equation Model for Co-Polarized L-Band Backscattering. In 2015 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss) (pp. 2000–2003).
  10. Baghdadi, N., Zribi, M., Paloscia, S., Verhoest, N. E. C., Lievens, H., Baup, F., & Mattia, F. (2015b). Semi-Empirical Calibration of the Integral Equation Model for Co-Polarized L-Band Backscattering. Remote Sensing7(10), 13626–13640.
  11. Baup, Frederic, Fieuzal, R., & Betbeder, J. (2015). Estimation of Soybean Yield from Assimilated Optical and Radar Data into a Simplified Agrometeorological Model. In 2015 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss) (pp. 3961–3964).
  12. Gascoin, S., Hagolle, O., Huc, M., Jarlan, L., Dejoux, J.-F., Szczypta, C., … Sanchez, R. (2015). A snow cover climatology for the Pyrenees from MODIS snow products. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences19(5), 2337–2351.
  13. Haut du formulaire
  14. Bas du formulaire
  15. Ferlicoq, M., & Ceschia, E. (2015). La gestion de l’albédo des surfaces cultivées représente un fort potentiel d’atténuation au réchauffement climatique. In Empreinte carbone : évaluer et agir (Bourges Bernard, Gourdon Thomas, Broc Jean-Sébastien, p. 386). Presse des Mines, collection Développement durable.


  1. Ferrant, S., Gascoin, S., Veloso, A., Salmon-Monviola, J., Claverie, M., Rivalland, V., … Bustillo, V. (2014). Agro-hydrology and multi-temporal high-resolution remote sensing: toward an explicit spatial processes calibration. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences18(12), 5219–5237.
  2. Luyssaert, S., Jammet, M., Stoy, P. C., Estel, S., Pongratz, J., Ceschia, E., … Dolman, A. J. (2014). Land management and land-cover change have impacts of similar magnitude on surface temperature. Nature Climate Change4(5), 389–393.
  3. Marais-Sicre, C., Baup, F., & Fieuzal, R. (2014). Determination of the crop row orientations from Formosat-2 multi-temporal and panchromatic images. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing94, 127–142.
  4. Fieuzal, R., & Baup, F. (2014). Optical and Radar Temporal Signatures of Sunflower Using Synchronous Satellite Images – Multi-Frequencies and Multi-Polarizations Analyses. In 2014 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss) (pp. 1512–1515).
  5. Baup, F., Frappart, F., & Maubant, J. (2014a). Combining high-resolution satellite images and altimetry to estimate the volume of small lakes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences18(5), 2007–2020.
  6. Baup, F., Frappart, F., & Maubant, J. (2014b). Use of Satellite Altimetry and Imagery for Monitoring the Volume of Small Lakes. In 2014 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss).


  1. Beziat, P., Rivalland, V., Tallec, T., Jarosz, N., Boulet, G., Gentine, P., & Ceschia, E. (2013). Evaluation of a simple approach for crop evapotranspiration partitioning and analysis of the water budget distribution for several crop species. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology177, 46–56.
  2. Tallec, T., Beziat, P., Jarosz, N., Rivalland, V., & Ceschia, E. (2013). Crops’ water use efficiencies in temperate climate: Comparison of stand, ecosystem and agronomical approaches. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology168, 69–81.


  1. Dejoux, J., Dedieu, G., Hagolle, O., Ducrot, D., Menaut, J., Ceschia, E., … Gascoin, S. (2012). Kalideos OSR MiPy : un observatoire pour la recherche et la demonstration des applications de la télédétection à la gestion des territoires. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection197, 17–30. Retrieved from
  2. Baup, F., Fieuzal, R., Marais-Sicre, C., Dejoux, J.-F., le Dantec, V., Mordelet, P., … Kidd, R. (2012). Mcm’10: An Experiment for Satellite Multi-Sensors Crop Monitoring from High to Low Resolution Observations. In 2012 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss) (pp. 4849–4852).
  3. Claverie, M., Demarez, V., Duchemin, B., Hagolle, O., Ducrot, D., Marais-Sicre, C., … Dedieu, G. (2012). Maize and sunflower biomass estimation in southwest France using high spatial and temporal resolution remote sensing data. Remote Sensing of Environment124, 844–857.
  4. Delogu, E., Boulet, G., Olioso, A., Coudert, B., Chirouze, J., Ceschia, E., … Lagouarde, J.-P. (2012). Reconstruction of temporal variations of evapotranspiration using instantaneous estimates at the time of satellite overpass. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences16(8), 2995–3010.
  5. Fieuzal, R., Baup, F., & Marais-Sicre, C. (2012). Sensitivity of Terrasar-X, Radarsat-2 and Alos Satellite Radar Data to Crop Variables. In 2012 Ieee International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (igarss) (pp. 3740–3743).
  6. Boulet, G., Olioso, A., Ceschia, E., Marloie, O., Coudert, B., Rivalland, V., … Chehbouni, G. (2012). An empirical expression to relate aerodynamic and surface temperatures for use within single-source energy balance models. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology161, 148–155.


  1. Li, L., Vuichard, N., Viovy, N., Ciais, P., Wang, T., Ceschia, E., … Bernhofer, C. (2011). Importance of crop varieties and management practices: evaluation of a process-based model for simulating CO2 and H2O fluxes at five European maize (Zea mays L.) sites. Biogeosciences8(6), 1721–1736.
  2. Merlin, O., Al Bitar, A., Rivalland, V., Beziat, P., Ceschia, E., & Dedieu, G. (2011). An Analytical Model of Evaporation Efficiency for Unsaturated Soil Surfaces with an Arbitrary Thickness. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology50(2), 457–471.
  3. Stella, P., Personne, E., Loubet, B., Lamaud, E., Ceschia, E., Beziat, P., … Cellier, P. (2011). Predicting and partitioning ozone fluxes to maize crops from sowing to harvest: the Surfatm-O-3 model. Biogeosciences8(10), 2869–2886.
  4. Aubert, M., Baghdadi, N., Zribi, M., Douaoui, A., Loumagne, C., Baup, F., … Garrigues, S. (2011). Analysis of TerraSAR-X data sensitivity to bare soil moisture, roughness, composition and soil crust. Remote Sensing of Environment115(8), 1801–1810.


  1. Ceschia, E., Beziat, P., Dejoux, J. F., Aubinet, M., Bernhofer, C., Bodson, B., … Wattenbach, M. (2010). Management effects on net ecosystem carbon and GHG budgets at European crop sites. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment139(3), 363–383.
  2. Eugster, W., Moffat, A. M., Ceschia, E., Aubinet, M., Ammann, C., Osborne, B., … Buchmann, N. (2010). Management effects on European cropland respiration. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment139(3), 346–362.
  3. Kutsch, W. L., Aubinet, M., Buchmann, N., Smith, P., Osborne, B., Eugster, W., … Ziegler, W. (2010). The net biome production of full crop rotations in Europe. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment139(3), 336–345.
  4. Lehuger, S., Gabrielle, B., Cellier, P., Loubet, B., Roche, R., Beziat, P., … Wattenbach, M. (2010). Predicting the net carbon exchanges of crop rotations in Europe with an agro-ecosystem model. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment139(3), 384–395.
  5. Moors, E. J., Jacobs, C., Jans, W., Supit, I., Kutsch, W. L., Bernhofer, C., … Soegaard, H. (2010). Variability in carbon exchange of European croplands. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment139(3), 325–335.
  6. Smith, P., Lanigan, G., Kutsch, W. L., Buchmann, N., Eugster, W., Aubinet, M., … Jones, M. (2010). Measurements necessary for assessing the net ecosystem carbon budget of croplands. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment139(3), 302–315.
  7. Sus, O., Williams, M., Bernhofer, C., Beziat, P., Buchmann, N., Ceschia, E., … Wattenbach, M. (2010). A linked carbon cycle and crop developmental model: Description and evaluation against measurements of carbon fluxes and carbon stocks at several European agricultural sites. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment139(3), 402–418.
  8. Wattenbach, M., Sus, O., Vuichard, N., Lehuger, S., Gottschalk, P., Li, L., … Smith, P. (2010). The carbon balance of European croplands: A cross-site comparison of simulation models. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment139(3), 419–453.
  9. Ducrot, D., Masse, A., Ceschia, E., Marais-Sicre, C., & Krystof, D. (2010). A methodology for the detection of land cover changes: application to the Toulouse southwest region. In L. Bruzzone (Ed.), Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing Xvi (Vol. 7830, p. 78301J).
  10. Gilmanov, T. G., Aires, L., Barcza, Z., Baron, V. S., Belelli, L., Beringer, J., … Zhou, G. (2010). Productivity, Respiration, and Light-Response Parameters of World Grassland and Agroecosystems Derived From Flux-Tower Measurements. Rangeland Ecology & Management63(1), 16–39.


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